Engagement Letter
Thank you for choosing my firm to prepare your income tax returns. This is a letter of agreement regarding this service. The objective of this letter is to communicate terms and conditions of this service.
In order to complete this service, you will be asked to provide information. It is your responsibility to make sure the provided information is complete and accurate. The service does not include any verification of the information you provide, although you may be asked to clarify some of the information. It is your responsibility to maintain records of this information since you may need to satisfy tax authority inquires.
You have or will shortly examine and carefully review the completed tax return to verify all income and expenses have been included and the information it contains is true and accurate according to the information and documentation you furnished. You will confirm that nothing was added or deleted during the preparation which would understate any tax liability. You acknowledge that the best efforts have been rendered to arrive at the lowest legal tax liability and that we have discussed possible consequences that could arise from positions taken on your return. Any concerns or questions have been discussed and clarified.
The fees for these services are indicated on the invoice and are due when the return is completed. Any fees not paid at this time will be subject to interest at 12% per year (1% per month). Information obtained may be used to collect past due fees. A $25 charge will apply to any returned check. It is agreed that any legal proceedings will be conducted in Tuolumne County. Please note that additional fees beyond those invoiced for return preparation may be necessary (e.g. audit representation). You will be contacted for approval prior to the incurrence of additional fees.
We may occasionally have products or services that we think may be of interest to you. By signing below, you give consent to receive automated phone calls and/or text messages at the phone number(s) you have provided. (Not a condition for purchase.)
If this letter accurately summarizes your understanding of our agreement relating to the preparation of your tax return, please sign and date below.
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Signature and Date Signature and Date
An Affordable Solution to a Complex Concern
No one wants to deal with an audit or ID theft issues. The complexity of untangling these challenging situations can be daunting and time consuming. Last year, the IRS made 9,214,312 contacts. According to a study by Javelin Strategy & Research, 15.4 million people were victims of identity theft in 2016. The same study concluded that losses in 2016, attributed to identity theft, totaled $16 billion. With all the data breaches that are happening on a regular basis, I think these numbers will be going up. Protection Plus offers the following benefits:
- Evaluation and drafting of IRS and/or state correspondence as needed.
- Assistance with communications with the IRS and/or state during an audit.
- Assistance with denied credits.
- $2,500 reimbursement of additional tax, interest and penalties due to preparer error.
- 24/7 access to Identity Theft Restoration Assistance Advisors.
- State specific ID Recovery Kit pre-completed and sent overnight.
- Notification to banks and agencies if other forms of ID were stolen.
- Fraud alerts on credit records.
- If you have an identity theft issue, daily credit monitoring from all three bureaus will be provided for 6 months.
The cost for this protection is $44.95. This coverage is completely optional. In the past, I have rarely charged my clients to help them with IRS/State issues. Now that I am offering this protection, I will start charging for tax inquiry assistance if you have not signed up for this service.
Print Name
Yes, sign me up for Audit Assistance & ID theft Protection. I am aware that the one-time fee of $44.95 will be added and collected with my tax preparation bill.
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Signature Date
No thanks, I think I’ll pass this year. I am aware that should I require the assistance of Bottom Line with IRS or state issues, I will be charged a fee that varies according to the service provided. Currently this fee ranges from $75/hour to $150/hour. Your approval would be obtained before any additional fees beyond tax preparation were incurred.
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Signature Date